John’s G-Lime experiment pays off

It’s not half bad

After sowing spring barley with G-Lime, John Dynes of Portaferry had some left in the spinner. Instead of going back to the yard, he decided to spread the remainder of the G-Lime on a grass field. He didn’t alter the settings and what was left covered half of the field. The other half just had to do without! 

Although this field had historically been used for grazing, John decided to take bales off it this year. It was reseeded in 2003 and hadn’t received any lime since then. As John started to mow on the 5th of June the difference in the split field was clear. Prior to cutting John had noticed that one side was visibly greener with more height and volume, but the jury was out until the field was baled. 

Small square bales of hay were harvested in a week of perfect weather. When the limed side of the field produced approximately 30% more bales than the ‘control’ John was more than happy. John and his wife Catherine ran a suckler herd up until last year but now the growth of quality forage whether it is hay, haylage, silage or cereals is their business. Maximising yield per acre is of utmost importance.  

As exclusive suppliers of G-Lime in Northern Ireland – available in 600kg bags - Thompsons plan to keep an eye on John’s ‘experiment’ and will keep everyone informed of how it is progressing through the summer. G-Lime is available in a minimum of six tonne lots from Belfast or through a merchant. To find out how your forage could benefit from its own G-Lime application contact your local Thompsons representative.


Posted 18,06,13 by allison.

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