Major Sale of Dunleath Herd

Major sale

Running as a closed herd for over 15 years and managed by the well-respected, Leslie Beacom, Dunleath Estates will be giving producers a unique opportunity to purchase their stock at a one day sale on Thursday 26th October. This major herd reduction sale will take place at Dungannon Farmer’s Mart from 11.30am with animals from all stages on offer, with particular interest being shown in the entire group of autumn calving heifers. With a commercial thread running through the herd, grazing has played a large part in the management of the two batches of high and low yielding cows. The sale will include 62 autumn calving heifers and 30 freshly calved young cows amongst the 145 stock on offer, which have been described as superb ‘cow makers’. 

With all cows housed since the start of October the majority of concentrates are fed via a customised TMR with grass silage –from a three cut system – making up the forage portion of the diet. Currently all the milking animals for sale are being fed good quality first cut silage, straw and a customised blend from Thompsons, which includes maize, wheat, soya, sugar beet pulp, soya hulls, protected fat, minerals and Rumitech365. Base performance for this ration is set at 32 litres for cows and 30 litres for heifers with additional litres supported through Thompsons’ Glucolac 17 ration in the out of parlour feeders. At present the herd is achieving 9740kg with a butterfat and protein of 3.89% and 3.26% respectively.

This truly is a one-off opportunity and Thompsons would like to wish Dunleath Estates Ltd, all the farm staff and prospective purchasers every success with the sale and the performance of this superb selection of animals in the future.


Posted 26,10,17 by allison.

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